Bmw Fsc Code Generator Cic Nbt
(, 02:33 AM)nonobmw Wrote: BMW FSC NBT CIC GENERATOR. Calculate with 1B/DE file. Swidreader is in the package to read and save the file 1B. It could have “rejected” state, then you need to get new map update code. CIC FSC Codes Application number List. 0017 – Voice control. 0019 – Navigation system Professional. 001B – Navigation system Professional. 0028 – European Map Code. 006F – Satellite Tuner. 009C – BMW Apps.
This article focus on FSC code solution for BMW E and F series CIC head unit.And for NBT check this article:How to generate BMW NBT & CIC FSC code .
BMW FS-Tool Freischalt tool Free Download
How to install Head Unit patch
1.Copy provided file into any available USB flash memory stick with FAT32 file system. Recommended flash drive capacity is 2 or 4 or 8 GB.
2.Turn ignition on or better start engine.
3.Wait at least 60 seconds for full system boot and then connect the USB flash drive.
4.After 5-10sec iDrive system will reboot
5.Disconnect USB flash drive and wait at least 60 seconds for full system boot.
How to import custom FSC codes in E series CIC
1.Configure EDIABAS for D-CAN or K-line protocol, perform CIC coding using NCS-Expert tool with correct car FA and original VIN.

2.Unpack provided archive with FSC codes.
3.Start FS-Tool2 and establish connection.
4.Open “Configuration” tab, press “Search” button for “Sig Certificate” and open “SIG.der” filefrom unpacked archive.
5.Press “Search” button for “FSCS Certificate” and open “00170001.der” file from unpacked archive.
6.Open “SWT Develop” tab, select “STORE_SIG_CERT” job and press “=>” button. Do same for “CHECK_SIG_CERT” job.
7.Press “Execute” and check for two “successful” statuses.
8.Clean right window via select each line and press “<=” button.
9.Open “Parameter” tab and enter original car VIN.
10.Go back to “SWT Develop” tab and add “SET_VIN” job.
11.Press “Execute” and check for “successful” result.
12.Clean right window via select each line and press “<=” button.
13.Add “STORE_FSCS_CERT”, “CHECK_FSCS_CERT”, “STORE_FSC”, “CHECK_FSC” jobs. Press ”Load from…” button for “Freischaltcode:” and select “00170001.fsc” file from unpacked archive.
14.Press “Execute” and check for four “successful” statuses.
15.Repeat same for “00190001.fsc”, “001B0001.fsc”, “006F0001.fsc”, “009B0001.fsc”, “009C0001.fsc” files and check results every time.
16.If requested, enter map code from 002800**.fsc file via iDrive menu or via FS-Tool2 “STORE_FSC”,“CHECK_FSC” jobs.
How to import custom FSC codes in F series CIC
1.Start E-Sys, establish connection and perform CIC coding with correct car FA and original VIN.
2.Open “FSC-Extended” page in “Expert Mode” tab, enter “0x63” in “Diagnostic Address(hex):” and press “Identify” button. After few seconds “HU_CIC” should appear in “Base Variant:” field.
3.Select “WriteDataByIdentifierVIN”, press “>>” button, enter real long car VIN. Press “Start” button and check Log window for “ok” result.
4.Remove “WriteDataByIdentifierVIN” from left window via selecting this line and press “<<” button.
5.Unpack provided archive with FSC codes. Preferably in C:DATASWT folder.
6.Select “StoreSIGCert”, press “>>” button and open “SIG.der” file from unpacked archive.
7.Select “CheckSIGCert”, press “>>” button. Enter “0x1B” into “Application number (hex/dec)” field and “0x01” into “Upgrade index (hex/dec)”. Press “Start” button and check for two “ok” results.
8.Remove “StoreSIGCert” and “CheckSIGCert” from right window via select each line and press “<<” button.
9.Select “StoreFSCCert”, press “>>” button and open “001B0001.der” file from unpacked archive.
10.Select “CheckFSCCert”, press “>>” button. Select “StoreFSC” and press “>>” button. Select “CheckFSC” and press “>>” button.
11.Press “…” button and select “00170001.fsc” file from unpacked archive. “Application number (hex/dec)” and “Upgrade index (hex/dec)” fields will be adjusted automatically according to opened file.
12.Press “Start” button and check for four “ok” results. Repeat same for “00190001.fsc”, “001B0001.fsc”, “006F0001.fsc”, “009B0001.fsc”, “009C0001.fsc” files and check results every time.
13.Clean right window via select each line and press “<<” button.
14.Now select “GetStatus” at left window, press “>>” and “Start” button. In Log window scroll up and check “FSCSCertStatus” and “FSCStatus” for every code to be “accepted”. Code “AppNr./UpgrIdx 40(0x28)” is short map update code, which is generated from 0x1B code and it’s “Upgrade Index” depending to used map data. It could have “rejected” state, then you need to get new map update code.
CIC FSC Codes Application number List
0017 – Voice control

0019 – Navigation system Professional
001B – Navigation system Professional
0028 – European Map Code
006F – Satellite Tuner
009C – BMW Apps
BMW FSC Code CIC NBT Caculate Keygen Service
BMW FSC Code CIC NBT Caculate Keygen Service is used for generate bmw FSC Code when update the bmw navi and change your bmw navi maps.
If you need the BMW FSC Codes for CIC/NBT System, please click here.
BMW FSC Active key2
On-board navigation systems like iDrive are installed in the dashboard of your vehicle during the manufacturing process. Some drivers, however, purchase Portable Navigation Devices (PNDs) that can be moved from car to car.Like iDrive, these GPS-enabled portable devices provide navigation assistance. But the comparison ends there. Because it is integrated with your car’s interior functions, iDrive provides greater levels of reliability, convenience and performance. iDrive offers: Greater Resale Value: Vehicles with on-board navigation consistently test as ‘more desirable’ among BMW drivers than ones without navigation. Integration: With iDrive, all of the vehicle’s main dashboard components (CD/Multimedia, Radio, Telephone, Navigation, Contacts, BMW Assist™, Vehicle Info and Settings) are integrated into one system with a single controller.
More Features: Most Personal Navigation Devices only provide navigation, while several BMW on-board models are capable of doing more—for instance, playing DVDs or connecting to HD radio, iPods or MP3 players. Additionally, the on-board monitor offers at-a-glance visibility that is superior to the smaller screens of PNDs. External Antenna: On-board navigation systems have an external antenna, providing the strongest possible satellite signal.
We provide key generate service:
- BMW FSC Code CIC (2007-2012)
- BMW FSC Code NBT (2012-2016)
* The key we provide is life time key, never expire! Life time codes mean that once you bought this code from us,you will never have to buy another code again when upgrading in the future. Price wise this is the best deal you can get for your car.
Bmw Fsc Code Generator Cic Nbt Download
Bmw Fsc Code Generator Cic Nbt Online
Bmw Fsc Code Generator Cic Nbt Free
We provide just the active key, please give us your fsc file and VIN number to us for generating the active code.