Hp 50g Emulator

This page is dedicated to the emulators of HP calculators for HP calculators ...

‎Emu50G is an emulator for the famous HP50g scientific calculator with its original skin. Carry your favorite calculator along with you every day and use it together with your favorite library! Features: -. Full emulation of the HP50g calculator. (You should refer to original HP50g user guid. Emulator's KML files, a 49g+ or 50g emulator ROM can be loaded as. The ROM for the 49G emulator, and from there, the ROMUPLOAD. Command can transfer the ROM to a real 49G. I now have a 49G with. ROM revision 2.09, the latest revision for the 49g+/50g. Of course a 49g+ or 50g ROM could be used with the 49G emulator on. Hp 50g emulator ‎ 12:29 PM. Hi RaymundoE, Thank you for joining the HP Forums. There is no emulator software on the CD. I have found a location where you. HP 50gs Emulator Package: Description: Prepackaged emulator of the HP 50g, including Emu48+ 1.48 and everything you need to emulate the 50g, along with two emulator skins, one that looks like the 50g, and one that is a hypothetical '50gs'.


*** New!!! *** HRAST BASIC for HP-48G/G+/GX, HP-49G and HP-49G+/50G *** New!!! ***
32K version: http://www.hrastprogrammer.com/hrastbas/hrast32k.zip
48K version: http://www.hrastprogrammer.com/hrastbas/hrast48k.zip
Manual: http://www.hrastprogrammer.com/hrastbas/HRAST_BASIC.pdf


Hp 50g emulator android

Just a few words from a long-term HP-41X user:
'And again I am extremely impressed by the supreme quality of all your software.
I never noticed that there might be some bugs in the HP-41X/Y/Z1/2 version I am using today.
If you remember well, when something works with me, be it ground-borne, sea-borne or airborne,
it means that it will work with anybody, or in other words, it means that it is fully debugged :-)'
Antoine M. Couëtte
(retired military / active airline pilot, former cosmonaut candidate,
author of 64K ASTRONAV software and, last but not least, a good friend of mine)


HP-41C Emulator for HP-48GX/49GHP-42S Emulator for HP-48GX/49G

Hp 50g Emulator

HP-71B Emulator for HP-48GX/49G

(!) HP-41X, HP-42X and HP-71X emulators for the new HP-49G+/50G calculators.
(!) HP-82143A Helios Thermal Printer Emulator (Windows version, for HP-41X).
(!) HP-82240A/B InfraRed Thermal Printer Emulator (Windows version, for HP-41X/42X/71X).

HP-IL Emulation for HP-41X ........... HP-IL Emulation for HP-71X

(!) Short article about HP-IL + HP-41X applications.

HP-11C Emulator for HP-48/49 .. HP-12C Emulator for HP-48/49

HP-15C Emulator for HP-48/49 .. HP-16C Emulator for HP-48/49

(!) HP-11E, HP-12E, HP-15E/X and HP-16E emulators for the new HP-49G+/50G calculators.


Free HP-41C Emulator for HP-48/49

Free TI-57 Emulator for HP-48/49Free TI-59 Emulator for HP-48/49

(!) HP-41E and TI-57E/59E emulators for the new HP-49G+/50G calculators.


(!) The list of keyboard layouts for all my emulators.
(!) Links to other sites regarding calculators and emulators.
(!) A short list of frequently asked questions ...


If you have a question about emulators, want to buy one or need a demo,
just send me a mail to:

(you have to retype this into your e-mail client)


Note: There have been a few reports that my messages from the above
e-mail address are marked as SPAM, stored to BULK folders, etc.
I can assure you that I don't send any spam around so this is a problem
with the antispam software on your side.
Please, re-check your antispam settings before contacting me. Thanks.


Hp 50g Emulator

My other free and unsupported work, available for download from this site:

TI-95 Emulator for Windows: TI95E.ZIP


Copyright © 1998-2018 by HrastProgrammer.
(Calculator Programmer and Archeologist)
All rights reserved.

Hp 50g Emulator

Hp 50g Emulator Android

Last update: January 08, 2018