Violated Hero Wiki

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know. Even Better Sequel: The second game is universally considered better than the first, having more developed characters and actual sprites for random encounters. Fandom Rivalry: With Monster Girl Quest, though there are plenty of fans who enjoy both.

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
  1. In Violated Heroine, we take the role of Nanako, a young girl that's set to go on an adventure. Whether she becomes a valiant hero, a noble fighter or a depraved sex addict it's up to your choices. Life's not as simple as just going on an adventure, and for Nanako, the world is very rude.
  2. So, it looks to me like both TlWiki and VH Wiki got nuked at some point, as attempts at access from multiple computers and yadda yadda have produced broken link responses. Anybody have any news on that front?
  3. 'Ren' may be referring to two or more different heroes. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, take a wild guess. If you came here from a link, please go back and correct the link for one of the heroes listed below.
  4. 'The Rape of Wonder Woman' is an unreleased comic book story written by famed Scottish writer Mark Millar, mostly known for his works at Fleetway, DC, and Marvel. These include Wanted, Kick-Ass, Superman: Red Son, Ultimates, and X-Men: Old Man Logan (which would later be loosely adapted into the film Logan) Millar's body of work in the comic book industry is usually a subject for controversy.

Violated Hero is a series of reverse-rape monster girl games released by developer Dieselmine. As of 2017, there are 6 installments in the series.


These are along the same lines as games such as Monster Girl Quest. Each game has its own story, not connected to any of the rest. The general plot is the same: a young male human sets out to fight evil monster girls threatening the world. If he loses to any of them, they rape him and either keep him as a sex slave or kill him. However, even if he defeats all in his path, victory isn't as simple as it seems...


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Tropes used in Violated Hero include:

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  • Angelic Beauty: Tides in I, Ariel in V
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The high ranking monsters are invariable more powerful and serve as bosses.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Even in the 'good' endings, the main villains survive and make the hero their sex slave.
  • Big Bad: Each game has their own. It's worth noting that from the third game onwards, the person initially presented as the Big Bad tends to be supplanted in that role by someone else.
    • I: Dragona
    • II: Xueli
    • III: Fan Mei, Sei Mei, Lei Ling
    • IV: Sharia, Lilith
    • V: Belf, Lunatyn, Shiva
  • Blob Monster: Slime girls are a recurring monster type.
  • Cameo: The sixth game has cameos of major characters from previous games.
  • Chick Magnet: The protagonist of every game. Since every woman shown is a rapist it's an example of Blessed with Suck.
  • Cute Monster Girl: The foundation of the series.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: The first game stands out for having human characters other than the hero. Additionally, the random encounter enemies have extremely simple pixel art.
  • Expy:
    • Xueli, Shiva and Lizesnea are all this to Alice from Monster Girl Quest. They're high-ranking monsters with blue/purple skin and tattoos. Shiva is even a lamia like Alice.
    • Both II and IV have four monsters who are the direct subordinates of the monster leader, similar to the Four Heavenly Knights from Monster Girl Quest.
    • The sixth game has M9, a music-themed girl with twintails. Fans outright call her Miku.
    • Within the series itself, Ariel is one to Lilith, both being nonhuman women who follow the main character around and help them in their journey.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In IV, defeated enemies can be recruited, though they don't act as conventional party members. Instead, they each give access to a special attack.
  • Double Standard Rape: Every single sex scene. Even the 'good' endings have the hero become a sex slave to monster girls.
  • Gender Bender: Some monsters will turn the hero female after raping him.
  • Harping on About Harpies: A harpy serves as the first encounter in the second game.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: The hero of each game uses a sword as a weapon.
  • H-Game POV Character: The heroes would all be closest to Type 1.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Each game has one fight where a major villain, often the Big Bad, decides to ignore the Sorting Algorithm of Evil and attack the hero early. After winning, they decide the hero isn't worth killing or taking with them.
  • Horny Devils: A long-running staple of the series, though all the monster girls behave in this manner to some extent.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Female examples are the staple of the series.
  • I Love the Dead: There are several undead enemies in the series, and losing to them will result in an involuntary case of this trope.
  • Kitsune: Fan Mei, the Big Bad of III.
  • Lamia: Several, a notable one being Shiva in the fifth game, who's an outright goddess.
  • Level Grinding: This is often a necessity in order to beat the tougher bosses.
  • The Many Deaths of You: Losing to any enemy with a proper CG will result in a rape scene.
  • Ms. Fanservice: All monstergirls (and the human characters from the first game) are this, which is the only consolation to the fact that almost all of them will rape the main character if they get the opportunity.
  • Multiple Endings: Aside from the bad endings that result from losing to individual enemies, all games in the series have multiple proper endings. The third game stands out for having three distinct paths, involving a choice between three particular characters.
  • Orochi: In III, this is a powerful youkai who is actually Lei Ling, the seemingly-human ruler who gives Ren his orders.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Dragona, the Big Bad of I, and Safiam, the literal The Dragon in V.
  • Out with a Bang: A few rape scenes will end in the hero dying.
  • Plant Person: The first game has a Mandragora, who's essentially a naked woman with green hair and a large flower on her head. Later games have alraunes, who appear as women in giant flowers.
  • Robot Girl: While several earlier games have one, VI stands out for having half of the cast be Robot Girls, as an entire faction that opposes the non-robotic monster girls.
  • Running Gag:
    • Each game has someone give the hero a footjob, in the exact same pose (this is true of other works by the same developer as well).
    • The main villain attacking the hero early on, long before the hero has the power to stand a chance against them.
    • The 'harem' ending of each game has the main villain(s) and other monster girls sharing the hero as a sex slave.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': Many characters have names that aren't spelled consistently. Xueli is in some places called 'Shirley', for example.
  • Stripperiffic: As a H-game, this is the rule rather than the exception.
  • Taken for Granite: This can happen if you lose to one of the gorgon enemies.
  • Venus Needs Men: The monster girls all consider human males to be attractive and most of the time, will rape a man given the opportunity, either for sexual pleasure, reproduction or because human semen is a vitality enhancer.
  • Youkai: These make up the majority of the cast in III.

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