Shotput Pro 6

6-7-2021 v2021.1.3
  1. Shotput Pro 6 Tutorial
  2. Shotput Pro 6 Mac
  3. Shotput Pro 6
  • Fixed drive ejection issue through drive details and auto-eject feature
2-16-2021 v2021.1.1

The counterpart to the Mac(R) version released last August, ShotPut Pro 6 for Windows offers a completely new user interface, significantly faster media offloading, and many other new or improved features that give users much more control over their offloads - not only compared to ShotPut Pro 5, but to any other offloading application on the. ShotPut Pro - Windows. Add Extended Update Coverage. Receive software updates after the first 12 months. $49.00 Per License Billed Annually. First Bill Date. With ShotPut Pro 6, we’re providing the most robust offloading application on the market at a price that’s still extremely affordable.” Designed for anyone needing to offload media files quickly and securely with checksums, ShotPut Pro 6 boasts dramatically increased offload speeds over its predecessor.

  • Updated login flow for activation
8-5-2020 v2020.1.4
  • Miscalculated offload size
  • PDF generation errors
1-28-2020 v2020.1.1
Shotput Pro 6
  • Updates Gmail email/sms routines to match the latest SDKs provided by Google
  • Updates FFmpeg (4.2.1)
  • SDK Updates:
    • ARRRAW (
    • Blackmagic RAW (1.4)
    • Canon CRM (2.3-R3)
    • Codex HDE Decoder (2.1.3)
    • RED (7.2.0)
7-24-2019 v2019.1.11
  • Occasional activation error
  • Update prompt
6-26-2019 v2019.1.8 *Requires a current Update Plan*
  • Redesigned 'Simple Mode' (replaces Destination Mode)
  • Enhanced GUI layout of traditional 'Preset Mode' including; Preferences, Settings and Present windows
  • About panel displays user information; first and last 5 characters of license code, license nickname and update plan expiration
  • MHL output added
  • Redesigned PDF reports; smaller and more compact, choose between 1 and 4 thumbnails, errored items move to the top of the report.
  • Allows notifications to be sent to multiple email addresses
  • Drag and drop capability added to destinations in presets
  • Added desktop sound notifications
  • Added ability for drive folder to display drive name rather than drive letter
  • Human error protection added for duplicate offloads to same path twice in one job, checks against all active presets
  • When a Job identifier is not specified, jobs using single card/folder/file will be autmoatically named the same as that card/folder/file
  • Bug related to card error causing creation/modification dates displayed incorrectly
  • Automated offloading improvements
  • Gmail API updated
  • CSV/TXT reports no longer reporting on directories
  • Bug not accounting for report space when destination space is checked, warns user if the offload is close or over available space.
  • Bug that caused automumbered folders to reset to 1 each day

Shotput Pro 6 Tutorial

7-24-2019 v2018.1.15
  • Occasional activation error
  • Update prompt
6-26-2019 v2018.1.13
  • Fixes minor activation bug
1-15-2019 v2018.1.9
  • Fixes bug that would some times allow stale drive info to stay present in the attached media interface
12-6-2018 v2018.1.6
  • Fixes deactivation bug when there is no internet connection
11-30-2018 v2018.1.5
Shotput Pro 6
  • New routines to check for updates
Shotput Pro 6
  • Bug that causes crash in thumbnail generation for some formats.
  • Bug that copied old metadata daemon to be the one included with release.
  • Issue that prevented metadata gathering if sources had illegal characters.
  • Bug in getting timecode for reports for some formats.
10-29-2018 v2018.1.1
  • Includes 12 months of updates
  • New activation
3-20-2018 v6.2.15
  • Fixed bug that sometimes caused a crash during report generation
How to use shotput pro
11-27-2017 v6.2.7
  • Added sorting of attached media and subfolders.
  • Fixed timecode acquisition for metadata of certain QT ProRes files
  • Fixed squence sorting of thumbs within a video file.
  • Fixed drive detection for certain network drives
  • Fixed bug that would cause a hang in replication if Defender was in process of scanning files while they were being copied.
  • Various bug fixes
8-29-2017 v6.2.1
  • Activation is now valid among all user accounts on a computer
  • Presets can now be duplicated, exported and imported Bug
  • Fixed bug that occasionally resulted in misidentifying drive letters for card readers
  • Fixed bug that reversed file orders in reports
  • Other various bug fixes and reliability enhancements
6-22-2017 v6.2.0

Shotput Pro 6 Mac

  • Improved efficiency of checksum algorithms
  • Improved efficiency of replication routines
  • Added advanced setting to disable auotmatic bundling of queue items
  • Added additional error checking
6-7-2017 v6.1.1

Shotput Pro 6

  • New Activation System with web based deactivation
  • New GUI with right column status/progress
  • Pause/Resume offloads
  • Advanced naming options in Presets with combination schemes and nested sub-folders
  • Preset color coding, and sorting by color, name and in-use
  • Destination Drag & Drop mode for direct offloading
  • Information panels for each offload and drive
  • Offload priorty options for sequencing
  • EMail and SMS texting using Gmail system
  • Offload Identification naming
  • PDF reports with video metadata and thumbnails