Serial Number Changer Android
- Serial Number Changer Android Online
- How To Change Serial Number Android
- Serial Number Changer Android Phone
Some multiplayer games that implement the PunkBuster anti cheat system get cheaters off the server using hardware bans. It used to ban the hard disk serial number but no longer does that since there are ways to spoof and temporarily change the so-called hardcoded serial number. So now they’ve started to ban the CD-Key. Other than that, some licensing system also uses the hard disk serial number to generate a unique hardware ID which is then used to generate an external license file to activate the software.
Yablio said: ABCDEF looks like a emulator or AOSP serial number. Check your default.prop or build.prop serial number. And change it to yours. Edit build.prop or default.prop for persistent. Click to expand. I already checked it in build.prop but the serial number is not there. Disk Serial Number Changer. Disk Volume Serial Number Changer is a program that can change the serial number of any hard drive. It will NOT change the physical serial of your hard disk, just the internal number that the operating system applies to it. This can be useful when you try to install programs that take the serial number of your hard. The edit in the previous screenshot will yield a phone number 1-876-543-port number. That gives (mostly) full control over the phone number. The first 7 digits are entirely configurable, and the last four can be any even number in the range 5554 and 5584 inclusive.
How to Change GUID, IMEI or SIM Serial Number in BlueStacks 4? Digital security is a grave concern now for many users, especially in a world where it is almost close to impossible to live without the internet. So you must do everything on your hands to try and ensure that your digital security is intact. To be consistent with runtime permissions required for access to IMEI, use of android.os.Build.SERIAL is deprecated for apps that target Android O or newer. Instead, they can use a new Android O API, Build.getSerial, which returns the actual serial number, as long as the caller holds the PHONE permission.
A simple way to find your current hard disk volume serial number is to open a command prompt (Win key+R and type cmd) and then type dir. The second line shows your volume serial number for the system C partition. Type dir [driveletter:] and it will show a different serial number even if the volume is on the same physical hard drive. The volume serial number changes every time you format the partition and Windows also uses this value during activation so you can’t simply move your install from one partition to another. If your Windows has been activated using a product key from a sticker it will probably ask for the key again after a reboot and will need reactivating if you change the volume serial number on the system drive.
If you do a simple search in Google, you’ll find tons of information about to change your hard disk volume serial number, but not the real hard disk serial number that is hard coded into the hardware. Some people said that it is impossible to change it, but we will show you that there are ways to change both volume and hard coded serial numbers for your hard disk.
1. Hard Disk Serial Number Changer
There are a few free tools around capable of changing the volume serial number and one of them is called Hard Disk Serial Number Changer. The name is a bit misleading though as it doesn’t actually change the hard disk serial number but the volume serial number which is different. It works on just about any Windows operating system from 98 onward and is a standalone portable executable but does need to be run as administrator on Vista and 7.
Usage is pretty straightforward and you simply choose your drive from the drop down box, enter the new serial number and click the Change button. Do note the serial number format as mentioned in the window is made up of 8 hex characters from 0-9 and A-F split by a “-” into two groups of 4. You will then need to reboot to commit the changes.
2. VolumeID
Another useful tool to change the volume serial number is by Sysinternals called VolumeID. This tool is only usable from the command line so won’t be as quick and easy to use for some people as Hard Disk Serial Number Changer. The command line usage to change the ID of a drive volume/partition is:
volumeid [driveletter:] xxxx-xxxx
The format is again 4 hex characters, a “-” followed by another 4 hex characters. You should shut down all your running applications before using this tool and will need to reboot immediately after the changes if they are being made on an NTFS partition.
Serial Number Changer Android Online
The tools above are fine for changing the serial number of a volume/partition but trying to change the serial number of the actual hard drive itself is a whole different story. These are hard coded into the hard drive itself and cannot simply be edited or altered using a piece of software. There are however, several tools around that can spoof the hard drive’s built in serial number temporarily which can hopefully fool whatever software you are trying to get round. Unfortunately a lot of these tools aren’t free and some are even approaching $100 to buy.
3. PB DownForce
There is a free tool that’s been around for quite a while called PB DownForce which is able to temporarily spoof your hard drive’s static serial number into a different random or seeded number. There is also an option to set your own predefined serial number although we were unable to get that function to work during testing. To use the program in it’s simplest form, all you have to do is start it up and click on the Start spoofing button. Make sure to run PB DownForce as administrator.
The Advanced options button shows the 3 different types of spoofing to choose, although as mentioned we couldn’t get method 3 to work as intended and it just showed a serial full of a single number. You can easily use the Stop Spoofing button and try another random number. Perform test will quickly tell what drive model name and serial has been given. The image below shows a new serial after using PB DownForce to change a hard disk serial number in the PC Wizard hardware information tool. Do note that some tools such as Speccy will still show the original serial number for the drive because they gather their data in another way, HWInfo does something different again and will show the spoofed drive as another completely new hard drive in its list.
PB DownForce was tested and worked on Windows XP and Windows 7 32-bit although it still was quite random to which machines worked and which showed no change or produced an error. 64-bit Windows is not supported in any free hard drive spoofing tools we came across. The spoofed serial will return to normal after a reboot.
There are several more hard disk serial number Spoofing tools on page 2.
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so you mean reboot in restart you computer or reset you whole computer?
ReplyReboot as in restart. As far as I’m aware, reboot your computer has never implied resetting or reinstalling it.
Replyhow can i change hwid with command in bat file ?
ReplyAbout PB Downforce,
Well the Windows Service I grabbed turned out to be a .sys file, obfuscated by VMProtect(1.X).
It’s internal name, as Windows Explorer tells me, is: ‘helper.sys’. So, this means it’s a Windows Device Driver, a .sys file.
But that’s food for IDA Pro, when I’ve got the time.. :)
Regarding PB Downforce,
The executable drops a service into your %TEMP% folder, which it uses. It’s the temporary folder from Windows.
What I did was, preventing the removal of contents in my %TEMP% folder. Very interesting, now I’ve got the service DLL to tinker around with.. Let’s see if that contains a virus. :)
Windows Defender quickly picked the DLL up as ‘ Trojan:Win32/Tiggre!rfn ‘.. Could be bad..
Windows Defender is well known for false positives. In fact, it’s one of the worst there is.
However, tools like this will generate detections in AV software, it’s unavoidable.
ReplyConcerning PB Downforce, I got interested.
Windows operating systems based x64-bit, have KPP (Kernel Patch Protection). So the hooks on DeviceIoControl, which PB Downforce applies, are rendered useless.
If you’re on a 32-bit system, then there’s no problem for you.
Some notable strings in the PB Downforce executable are as follows, after unpacking:
The executable file itself was packed with ASProtect, and was made with Microsoft Visual C++, with its wxWidgets.
The good news is, it does not contain a trojan.
TROJAN included at your service
ReplyOf course there isn’t, try to have a bit of common sense. Antivirus and security software obviously hates programs like these because they are essentially hacking tools.
ReplyTried installing it it kept showing me an error dialog box Error:communication failed.
I dont know what next to do.
Please help
Tried installing it it kept showing me an error dialog box Error:communication failed.
I dont know what next to do.
Please help
PB Downforce is not working on my Windows 10 64-Bit. Please help me. Can I run it in any way?
Replywhats the password for it BRUHHH
ReplyDownloads with a password have it listed on the download page.
Replyhello raymond !
the Chameleon site not workin’ :(
Chameleon appears to be dead. I guess none of these tools that are currently available work for newer operating systems, sadly.
Replyi got bluescreen . everytime i shutdown pc. when using pbdownforce
Replybecause is wirus XD
ReplyAbout PB DownForce.
It is mentioned that It will spoof your hard drive’s serial number but temporarly. So you’ll need to spoof your hard drive’s serial every time you open the game and connect to that certain server you’re banned in order not to get tracked?
PB Down Force just made my day…..Thanks a lot….You are awesome.
ReplyI’m trying to use PBdownforce on win 7 64 but I’m getting error: “communiction failed”. Any help on this ? Any other tool to spoof hdd serial on win 7 64 ?
ReplyAs stated in the article PBDownforce doesn’t work on 64-bit Windows, we couldn’t find any free tools that do.
ReplyPBdownforce asking for password to run.
ReplyIt’s written clearly on the download page.
ReplyAnother utility which allows changing of a volume serial number is “MiniTool Partition Wizard”, what’s more it changes the whole 32 bit long serial number, not only the last 16 visible bits (8 characters).
ReplySorry, my mistake – MiniTool reports Volume ID as a 8 byte (16 characters/64 bit) value, while other programs report only 4 bytes (8 characters/32 bits). Don’t know what is the leading 32 bits, but the last 32 bits is the same as reported by VOL utility.
Replyhello! PB downforce is very useful for me but can you please tell me how to use my own serials and macs? I mean… what is the standard format? because I fill the fields with original and new serial and it doesnt work. Thank you very much!
ReplyThank you very much for the info, I need to change my hardware id….
I was struggling to change the volume id but by the help of
Hard Disk Serial Number Changer i was able to change it easily
Thank you ^_^
Thank you for this tip that is very good. bravo.
I enjoyed of this program.
ReplyWell, I have been searching for that for a long time. So detailed and you provided a good research you did yourself.. lol
I am downloading the PB gui program, hopefully it will work. Thanks
ReplyMaster , Genius
thanks to you I think I could find a way to temporary fix the problem with the local ban in Counter Strike using Pbdownforce..
very good changed my view. thanks
Replyvery interesting
Thank you for this great tip ;)
ReplyThat was a very interesting read, you are simply awesome
ReplyThanks! You can try typing ‘vol’ instead of ‘dir’ to see your volume label or serial number
ReplyI always enjoyed reading your articles…!
ReplyHi, I need a tool to change my hdd serial no. without restarting my pc, Is there any tool avalable for this. If yes please share. Thnaks
Replyawesome article !
ReplyLeave a Reply
Region locks are one way that Ninebot Max scooters can be speed limited.
This tutorial is similar to the one for the Ninebot ESX Series.
Often the max speed is set through a serial number prefix.
In order to change your vehicle’s region and unlock its max speed, change the 4th digit of your serial number.
Below is a list of serial prefixes and their effect on max speed and vehicle app appearance, courtesy of myself and FoxMaster at ScooterHacking.
Choose the one corresponding to the region you want.
- D is limited to 30kmh/18.6 mph (G30)
- E is limited to 20 kmh/12.4 mph(G30D blue)
- S is limited to 30 kmh/18.6 mph (G30P/US)
On Windows, there are two main apps that can easily be used to change the Serial prefix.
Ninebot IAP and Ninebot Flasher are based on similar code-bases but have different GUI’s.
Ninebot IAP makes it a little easier to change a serial due to its one-click buttons for changing SN.
Both applications require your computer to have BLE support unless you are using serial for IAP.
Ninebot IAP
Ninebot IAP is an app developed by
Once you have it installed, open it and press the “Start scan” button.
Select your device in the menu and press “Connect”.
It may ask you to press the power button to pair, in this case, short press the button that you would normally use to power it on or toggle the headlight.

If it shows version numbers in the “Installed Firmware” box, you have successfully connected.
From here head to the “Tools” menu under “Utilities”.
Press “Read” in the “ESC Serial Number” panel.
A successful serial number read. Make note of it.
Next, press “Change SN” and type your serial number out exactly as it was before, but change the 4th digit to the prefix you chose above.
In my case, that would be changing the D after N4G to a C if I wanted the speed to be limited to 25 kmh.
Press “OK”, then you should hear your scooter beep twice in quick succession.
To confirm it has successfully changed, press “Read” again and you should see your new serial.
A successful change.
Test the new speed or appearance in the app and it should be good to go.
How To Change Serial Number Android
Ninebot-Flasher is available from the Microsoft store.
Once installed, press “Start Scan” and select the device you want to flash by clicking “Connect”.
Click “Start Scan” then “Connect” once you’ve found your scooter.
It will likely prompt you to “Press the power button to pair”.
Short press the button that you would normally use to power it on or toggle the headlight.
You will know the connection is successful if the greyed out buttons become white and your Serial Number is printed in the console.
A successful connection as shown by the serial number in the console.
Copy that number down somewhere.
Click on the text box to the left of “SendCmd” and then press Ctrl + alt + a on your keyboard.
You should now have more options as shown below.
Pressing Ctrl + alt + a will open advanced options.
Paste your old serial in the box but change the 4th digit to the serial prefix you selected above.
Here I have the fastest prefix S and am changing it to a 25kmh prefix C but you may be interested in speed limiting your scooter whether for a child or to avoid legal issues.
Changing my “S” prefix to a “C” which will have a 25kmh speed limit.
Press “Write ESC Sn” twice and your new region should be set.
ScooterHacking Utility
ScooterHacking Utility (SHU/SHUtility) is available from the Google Play Store and here is how to use it to change your region.
Once installed, the app will prompt you for location permissions.
This is to allow it to access your Bluetooth.
The prompt from SHU to give it location permission and explaining why it needs it.
Once you press ok, android will ask if you want to give SHU location access, press allow.
The prompt from the Android system asking for ‘location’ permissions.
After giving it Bluetooth access, the app will give you a warning message that lets you know the risks of flashing custom firmware.
Read it and press agree.
Now that you’re past the warnings and TOC’s, you can scan for the scooter you want to change the region on and select it from the list.
Choose your device from the list of BLE devices.
After a successful connection, note the current serial number, and write it down in case something happens in the future or you lose it.
A successful connection will show the firmware version numbers and serial number.
After saving your old serial number, proceed to the lower part of the main screen to get to the “Tools” section and click “Change Region”.
The “Change Region” option.
From here, a list of region options will pop up. Choose the region you wish to change to (Choose US for the fastest speed).
The list of region options in ScooterHacking Utility.
Once you click an option, you will hear the scooter beep a few times and then the serial will have been changed and the region will be set.
*Depreciated, recommended to use ScooterHacking Utility as mentioned above
XiaoFlasher is available from the Google Play Store and here is how to use it to change your region.
Serial Number Changer Android Phone
Once installed, give it permission to access files and “Location”.
XiaoFlasher just needs location access in order to use Bluetooth which we need for this tutorial.
On the next screen, agree to the TOS and close the changelog.
Click on the name of your device to connect.
If XiaoFlasher has successfully connected you will see firmware version numbers on the upper right-hand side.
Once successfully connected, press “Change Region”.
In this menu select the region you would like.
Region options in XiaoFlasher
The developer has made a 30s wait time and an ad that you must watch in order to change the region.
Once you have sat through that and likely decided to use another app in the future, you will hear the scooter beep twice indicating a successful region change.
There is currently only one application for iPhone/iOS to change the region of a Ninebot Max/G30 and it’s still in beta as if the time this post was written.
You will need Testflight to install it, but this link should install it if you don’t.
Download Scooter Companion
Open the app and scan for your device.
Click on the scooter that you want to perform the region change on.
The scan menu for a Ninebot Max on Scooter Companion.

Once it connects and displays information about the scooter, click on “Utilities” on the top menu.

The region change function is in the “Utilities” menu.
From here, scroll down to “Adjust scooter region” and click the region you want (US would be fastest, followed by EU, then DE).
The US region has the least restrictions so choose that if you want max speed.
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